Sales Platform
Our New Sales Platform We are very excited to announce the launch of our new sales platform, which is set to change the way we work with businesses & brokers. What it does The new platform provides our off- the-shelf-range of products that can be accessed through...
Has your business prepared for the increased demand of electric vehicle insurance?
Has your business prepared for the increased demand of electric vehicle insurance? Changes to the Electric Vehicle Market In recent years, we have seen a colossal improvement in the electric vehicle market. This includes advancements in technology, range and varieties...Following the Brexit vote, Acasta remain committed to working with our partners in Europe.
Acasta is still a Solvency II compliant insurer trading throughout the EU via the Freedom of Services regulations. To the best of our knowledge, Great Britain and Gibraltar will remain part of the EU for the next two years. Beyond the two year moratorium we...
Stealth increase in Insurance Premium Tax- Acasta Europe Ltd
The recent change to Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) comes as a shock to the insurance market with the new budget as they have previously put measures in place to reduce the cost for policy holders to receive adequate insurance. The increase of 58% will more than likely...